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Talent Call – Young Leaders Roundtable with Russell Reynolds, & Shell

    25 April 2013



    Succeeding in business and mapping out an exciting, rewarding career are two challenges that never seem to get easier.

    But these challenges have taken on a whole new dimension at the current crossroads of the financial/fiscal crisis and a stubbornly sluggish economy,

    geopolitical uncertainty, digitization, Big Data and information overload. Plus a playing field that’s grown a whole lot bigger – and a whole lot more competitive – fast.

    For many of today's "captains of industry," the experience and judgment they’ve built up over the course of their long professional lives is a great advantage. Been there, done that. But it also a disadvantage.
    Footholds are not what they used to be. And even seasoned leaders are challenged today by managing a cross-generational talent pool. This issue is at the top of every leader’s agenda.

    For young leaders who are in the earlier stages of their careers, this can seem like a daunting or even arbitrary journey. How to make choices that will play to their strengths, satisfy their passions, and
    both stretch and reward them along the way? What can they bring to the party that other generations of leadership will recognize, value and leverage? What does ‘still too young’ mean in a world where
    Facebook was started by a college sophomore and where Google’s CEO/co-founder is only 39?

    Young Leaders Roundtable

    If you are a young leader and want to share your ideas and explore opportunities, you should take part in our Young Leaders Roundtable on the evening of April 25th at the WTC in Amsterdam.

    The Ivy Circle and Russell Reynolds Associates, a leading advisory on Leadership, Succession and Search, will co-host this premiere event to explore 3 core facets of the Next Generation Talent Challenge from both an ‘employer’s’ and ‘employee’s’ perspective; namely:

    • Hide & Seek: Identifying new talent
    • Fast Forward: Motivating and leveraging talent across generations
    • Lift-Off: Sharpening spikes and turning talent into leaders

    The event will take the form of an interactive workshop and roundtable discussion with top management from ‘old and new’ world class companies. Our special guests, Sander Nieuwenhuizen (VP Recruitment at Shell International) and Rob Zuidema (Director HR at, will share their perspectives on these topics, as well as learn from – and challenge! – yours.

    Call for Applications

    Please submit your 1-page CV and 1-liner statement of motivation to by April 17th. You will hear back from us by April 22nd. In the meantime, please block your calendars for April 25th from 17:15 – 21:00.

    As a successful participant, you should have:

    • 5-10 years of post-university business experience with leading international companies and/or successful challengers and/or start-ups
    • Rich understanding of your (industry and/or functional) area of expertise
    • Charismatic/outspoken personality who thrives in a team-/ knowledge-sharing environment
    • Fresh perspective, strategic strengths and creative ideas to share
    • Proven project management skills
    • Absolute integrity
    • Outstanding written and oral communication skills in Dutch and English
    • A brief (1-liner) statement of motivation reflecting your interest and anticipated contribution.

    Note: If this isn’t for you, but you know someone else who would be interested and whom you would strongly recommend, then please do pass this application along!

    Thank you; we look forward to hearing from you — and hopefully seeing you on the 25th!