The Northwestern-Kellogg Club of the Netherlands would like to invite alumni and the Ivy Circle to a special program with Northwestern alumni and co-founders of Boom Chicago Andrew Moskos '90 and Pep Rosenfeld.Recent press on Boom Chicago and the co-founders in Businessweek
o 19:00-19:30: Welcome Drink and Snacks
o 19:30-20:15: Short presentation by Northwestern alumni and co-founders of Boom Chicago Andrew Moskos and Pep Rosenfeld on 'The Future of Your Organization' for business leaders.
The program will highlight involve active improvisation exercises focused on innovation, leadership and creativity. A prezi of this program can seen here.
o 20:15: VIBP seats of the new show, The Seven Deadly Dutch Sins (Pep will be on stage!!)
o 22:15: End of the show, Drinks at the bar.
Date: Thursday, May 23, 2013
Reserve by Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Cost: € 25 per person that includes 3 drink tokens (for beer, wine or soft drinks), snacks upon arrival, the workshop, and VIBP (Very Important Boom Person) ticket for the show. Because this is a special program, tickets must be pre-reserved and prepaid.
Please RSVP to Chau-Jean Lin at +31 61 456 7749 and note your affiliation by Tuesday, April 30, 2013. A special link will be sent to you to pay and reserve these special tickets.