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Sustainable knowledge in the Eindhoven region

    The Harvard Club cordially invites you to an evening of dynamic discussion on the topic of Sustainable Knowledge in the Eindhoven Region. Visions on this important knowledge accumulation region will be shared, from both macroeconomic and microeconomic perspectives.

    To strengthen and keep the Southeast Netherlands internationally competitive, the region must be made as attractive as possible for companies, residents and visitors. Some office and accommodation infrastructures are geared towards top international business players, such as the excellent innovation campuses of international repute: the High Tech Campus Eindhoven and the Chemelot Campus in Sittard-Geleen. In terms of fostering a broader environment favorable to innovation and growth, this may also involve generating further business from knowledge institutions and larger companies, coupled with ensuring accessible funding for entrepreneurs.

    The strength of the region lies in two top sectors that are already well established: High Tech Systems & Materials and Chemical Engineering & Chemistry, including the strong Lifetech cluster at the interface of these two top-flight sectors and Life Sciences. The presence of powerful major companies like ASML, Océ, DSM, Fuji, NXP, Philips, VDL, Vion and Nunhems is unique, as is the related extensive network of high-tech SMEs, suppliers and an internationally renowned Design cluster. The companies are surrounded by world-class universities, hospitals and research institutes they can call upon, and by a well-educated workforce. This makes the Southeast Netherlands a place where companies and knowledge workers — national and international — want to locate, especially since they arrive in a green and welcoming environment where life is both sociable and enjoyable. However, the challenge of maintaining knowledge within this region remains. How do companies within the region address these problems? How will top talent continue to be attracted?

    icoon_pdfFor more information about this event, please see the attached flyer.


    Date: Thursday 28th November 2013

    18:00 – 19:00 Welcome drink and walking dinner
    19:00 – 20:30 Presentation and discussion
    20:30 – 22:00 Drinks and snacks

    Registration: Deadline for registration and cancellation is November 15th, however we ask you to please register as soon as possible by e-mail to Include your name, name(s) of guest(s) and indicate any special dietary preference.

    Location: PwC Eindhoven