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Anti-depressants: remedy or goldmine?

    Sales of anti-depressants have grown explosively during the past few decades. More than 800.000 people in the Netherlands, and more than 25 million in the U.S. take anti-depressants. Do they really work, or is this just a goldmine for the pharmaceutical industry?

    About the speaker: Robert J. DeRubeis is the Samuel H. Preston Term Professor in the Social Sciences and Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. He is currently the University of Amsterdam’s Révész Chair (2015-2016) in the Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences, as well as Visiting Professor at the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam. His primary research area is causes and treatments of mood disorders. See the following article published in the Volkskrant

    When: Tuesday 29 September, 17.00-20.00

    Where: Amsterdamse Academische Club (AAC) Oudezijds Achterburgwal 235, 1012 DL Amsterdam

    Cost: lecture is free, drinks (cash bar), optional dinner afterwards (€15,-)

    How to register: visit the AAC registration page and send an email to


    17.00 – open for drinks at the bar (cash bar)

    18.00 – 19.15 Lecture

    19.15 – 20.00 Buffet dinner (optional)*