The van Gogh Museum will host Ivy Circle and Georgetown alumni for a tour of the exhibition, ‘van Gogh along the Seine,’ Wednesday, December 13th, 2023 at 15:30.
Following the tour, members are welcome in the Vincent van Gogh Foundation Board Room at 17:00 for a drink and to learn about Theo van Gogh’s wife.
Reserve your spot on the Eventbrite Page from Friday, December 8th at 17:00 CET. Spots are very limited, so please sign up only if you are sure you will attend. Attendees will pay at the museum for an entrance ticket (20 euros). Museumkaart/ICOM card is also accepted.
At 18:00, we will walk to Cafe Americain on Leidseplein for the inaugural Georgetown Alumni in the Netherlands gathering! (Details below)
Inaugural Georgetown Drinks @ Cafe Americain on Leidseplein
WHEN: December 13th, at 18:30
Ivy Circle alumni, friends and family are invited to attend the first gathering of Georgetown Alumni of the Netherlands at Café Americain on Leidseplein on December 13th at 18:30. We hope you can make this inaugural event, where we will welcome alumni from the newest member school to the Ivy Circle!
Please RSVP by reserving a ticket HERE.
Cafe Americain is an iconic Art Deco venue. The restaurant has kindly reserved the area to the left side of the entrance and bar for our group.