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Arts & Culture Gallery Ivy Walk

    We will visit several art galleries [Tim Cantor Art GalleryUpstream, and a surprise 3rd] within 8-minute walk of the National Opera & Ballet Theater. This walk is an independent one held during Amsterdam Art Week, to help Art lovers gain confidence in their color knowledge, Amsterdam Art community and see color as Monet and Van Gogh did. We will end with drinks at Café de Huyskamer, and the winners of color treasure hunt.

    Meeting point: CoffeeCompany 11, Oude Doelenstraat, 1012 ED Amsterdam

    Who: We invite Amsterdam Art Week participants, alumni of American Universities and attendees of the International Young Patrons Gala (8 June) and Gala (28 June).

    RSVP: – free, but limited to 20 people. If you cancel, let us know so we can give spots to other folks.

    Please download the iPhone color theory app, which we’ll use as a treasure hunt matching color palettes and art from the walk. We will also bring hardcopies for anyone without an iPhone.