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Last modified by Erica Phiansunthon - 2 years ago

Het Nationale Ballet: SWAN LAKE

Monday, March 20, 2023

Ivy Circle members, partners and children are welcome to join Het Nationale Ballet for this unique event - a private avant-première rehearsal for the classic ballet favorite, Swan Lake. Following the success of our pre-pandemic holiday gathering with Het Nationale Ballet for a private rehearsal of The Nutcracker, we are delighted to be invited back for this special event.

Het Nationale Ballet is generously offering this event at no charge for Ivy Circle members and their guests; however, please RSVP before March 16th to events@ivycircle.nlProgram and logistics details will be shared with confirmed guests.


Date: Monday, March 20th

Location: Nationale Opera & Ballet

Time: 19:15-21:15
